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Maintenance of Glass Partitions: how to do it correctly?


Keeping the office tidy is an easy task if you know what tools to use. It is necessary to keep the room itself, pieces of furniture, and office partitions clean.

As for the latter, they are distinguished by their durability and practicality, but to preserve their aesthetic appearance, you need to properly operate them and provide them with proper care. How is this possible? Let's figure it out.

Recommendations for the care of office partitions

The structure of office partitions mainly consists of aluminum profiles, glass, plastic, chipboard. It is recommended to take care of aluminum using special products.

However, if they are absent, but the profile is dirty, you can wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in soapy water. The use of products that contain acids and abrasive particles should be discarded. Otherwise, scratches will form on the surface.

If damage does appear, you can mask it with a bar-corrector. Deep scratches on the profile are treated with a special corrector.

As for the glass itself, it is permissible to clean it with dishwashing liquid. You can replace it with a soapy or vinegar solution. Such products do an excellent job of removing greasy stains, dust, and other contaminants.

If there is a decorative pattern on the glass sheet, it must be wiped very carefully to preserve its original appearance.

Partitions made of chipboard require more delicate maintenance since wood is not characterized by increased resistance to moisture. To clean it, you can use special napkins or wipe the surface with a well wrung out cloth.

If strong stains appear, local application of alcohol-based detergents will be required.

Operating rules

In order for office partitions to please with their functionality and always look like new, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations regarding their operation:

· It is unacceptable to hang any objects (boards, tables, etc.) on the partitions.

· It is forbidden to clean structures with cleaning agents.

· Debris must not enter the space between frames and moving parts.

· It is not recommended to subject partitions to shocks and mechanical overloads.

More than a dozen employees work in open space offices at the same time. To make work in a room without blank walls productive, and the bosses have the opportunity to control their wards, special Glass Walls for Office are installed, and such designs serve many functions.

Decorative function

Office space zoning is not the only purpose of office partitions. They also have a decorative function. In some offices, you can see partitions made of bright plastic, impact-resistant glass, original processed metal, or wood. Combined designs are sometimes found.

In any case, it is important that the partitions are practical. As for metal partitions, they are resistant to damage and have a long service life. Plastic products cannot boast of durability, but their installation is relevant in the case when the budget for arranging an office is very limited.

Glass partitions visually make the room brighter. They are completely safe to use since the material for their manufacture is tempered glass or triplex. No less popular is the option of gluing a tinted film, which gives visibility from one side of the partition. Frosted Glass Office Walls look stylish, so they can fit into even the most strict office design.


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